Tsinghua University PBCSF B&R Finance EMBA Program for Southeast Asia Information Session was held in Singapore on April 12, 2019. More than 40 founders of start-ups, partners of VC companies and executives of family enterprises attended the forum.
Professor Zhang Hong, Phoenix Chair Professor of Finance, Tsinghua PBCSF made a keynote speech themed “Rethinking Innovation, Social Intertia, Fintech Hurdle and Blue Ocean” . Mr. Jefferson Chen, Founder & CEO of Advance Intelligence and Ms. Lydia Wee, Deputy CEO of Institute of Banking and Finance, also shared their insights respectively. Then Mr. Cai Kan, deputy director of EMBA & Executive Education, Tsinghua PBCSF, introduced the B&R Finance EMBA Program for Southeast Asia.
In his speech, professor Hong Zhang shared his research on innovation. He use alcohol-related social norms’ influence on innovation as an example to demonstrate that innovation is constrained by social norms. He said blue ocean innovators think more about endogenous growth and the inclusive society. When think about endogenousness and inclusiveness, one should keep in mind there is society and the market, especially the financial market. If the innovation is consistent with the market, it will be more independent to the constraint of social norm, and more likely to generate potential endogenous growth in the future.

Professor Hong Zhang delivering the keynote speech
Mr. Jefferson Chen shared his experiences in B&R FEMBA program. He said joining the program was the best decision he made. He learned a lot from professors and his classmates.

Jefferson Chen sharing his experience about the program
Lydia Wee shared her views on life-long learning. By asking that how to active the potentiality brought out by fast development of technology and innovation, Lydia pointed out that as an individual, one should keep along with the learning journey to continually improve business models, skill and mind-sets.

Lydia Wee delivering a speech
Many attendants showed great interest in the program and willing to study at Tsinghua PBCSF.
The B&R EMBA Program offered by PBC School of Finance (PBCSF), Tsinghua University, provides a thorough foundation course in finance. Through cross-regional class modules and company visits, student will gain an in-depth perspective on Southeast Asian Economies and China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Policy, learn how to effectively apply financial analysis techniques, work with capital markets and financial institutions, and engage with Chinese entrepreneurs.
More infromation about the program: http://eng.ee.pbcsf.tsinghua.edu.cn/web/individuals_info1.php?projectid=1