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Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum 2017 Draws to a Successful Close

Time: 2017-06-09 11:27 Print

On June 3rd, the Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum, themed on “Economic Globalization and Financial Stability”, drew its curtain at New Tsinghua Auditorium. The Forum was hosted by Tsinghua University, co-organized by Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance and Tsinghua University National Institute of Financial Research. Over 50 elites from academia, government and industry were invited to discuss, under the context of globalization, how to improve financial risk management, and lift up financial competency, risk resistance capability, sustainability and financial security.

QIU Yong, president of Tsinghua University, made the opening speech. He first emphasized on the importance of finance as a core unit of modern economy: “the development of financial sector leads to the development of the economy, and the financial stability leads to the economic stability”; and the theme of the 2017 Forum sufficiently fits into the current economic development. QIU also introduced the experience and achievements of Tsinghua University in recent comprehensive development.

WU Xiaoling, Vice Chairwoman of the NPC Finance and Economic Committee and Chairwoman and Dean of Tsinghua PBCSF, also presented the opening remark. She praised the successful experience of the previous Forums and emphasized the importance of the theme “Financial Security and Financial Stability”. The PBC School of Finance will continue to carry on the mission of “to promote excellence in the finance industry and financial regulation through top-notch education and cutting–edge research”, root in domestic financial development and devote itself to building a world class financial institute and a top think tank in finance.

CHEN Yulu, Vice-Governor of the People’s Bank of China, made the keynote speech of “Consensus in the Macro-finance in International Financial Crisis and Policy Practice”. He introduced international consensus and China’s practice from “how to manage the relation of finance, entity economy and structural reform”, “increase prudential management”, “improve inclusive finance” and “attach importance to financial infrastructure construction”. He expects through Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum and other important platforms to gather world elite and talents, explore Chinese policy practice, bring up “Chinese case study” and improve global economy recovery and sustainable development.

The two-day Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum includes opening ceremony and seven forum sessions. The sessions carried out discussion concerning “The Belt and Road Initiatives and All-round Opening Up”, “Corporate Governance of Listed Company”, “Technology-Driven Inclusive Finance Innovation”, “China Financial Policy Report 2017 Release”, “The Innovation and Development of Insurance Industry”, “Innovation and Supervision in the New Era of Asset Management” and “Prospect of Private Equity Funds”. A closed luncheon was held themed on “All-round Opening Up and Financial Development”.

The Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum focuses on the new thinking, new trends, new practices, and new dynamics of China’s financial reforms, and seeks to address pressing issues from the perspectives of “China and the World”, “Reform and Policies”, and “Academics and Practices”. Global finance leaders and academics are invited to this forum for in-depth interpretation of the world economic landscape and China’s financial reform, and to find new opportunities for growth in China and the rest of the world.