Hosted by American Finance Association, and organized by Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance, the top tier global finance conference - SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2017 is successfully held in Beijing from December 13 to 15.
The Conference received 390 paper submissions, of which 52 were selected for presentation and discussion. The paper titled "Leverage Network and Market Contagion" by Tsinghua PBCSF professor ZHOU Hao, received the Best Paper Award.
Near 200 renowned scholars from global economy and finance research gathered and joined deep discussions on the issues including corporate governance, behavioral finance, financial policy, and financial technology. Professor Laura Starks, President of SFS, and Bernard Yeung, Dean of NUS Business School at National University of Singapore were invited to present keynote speeches titled "Institutional Investors and ESG Investors", and "Chinese Development and Anti-corruption".

At the evening reception and award ceremony, Professor Starks, Professor Matthew Spiegel, former President of SFS, and Professor ZHOU Hao made opening remarks. Professor Starks and professor Speigel reviewed the development history of AFA, and highly recognized Tsinghua PBCSF for its efforts in preparing and organizing the Conference. Mr. DAI Rui, Senior Research Support Director of Wharton Research Data Services, professor ZHANG Xiaoyan, Assistant Dean of Tsinghua PBCSF, and professor Speigel announced three Best Paper Awards. Host’s Faculty Sponsor ZHANG Hong, Phoenix Chair Professor at Tsinghua PBCSF, hosted the evening event.

Under the Conference, two themed forums "Research Forum: Finance Research in China and Asia” and “Editors' Forum” were held for experts to share their views on academic finance research situations in China and Asia, and discuss how young scholars publish research papers on top international journals. The forums encourage scholars to apply internationally recognized methodology to analyze unique domestic problems and suggest young scholars to take more focus on subjects of significant economic meanings.
The SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific is a joint project of the Review of Financial Studies, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. It is a high-quality conference covering all areas of finance.

As a leading institution in finance higher education and also an academic policy research platform, it is the first time that Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance has organized the SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific Conference, in an effort to enhance the School’s international academic impact and invite more financial researchers worldwide to witness China’s financial development.