In January 2016, a group of professors attended ASSA Annual Meetingj in US. During the meeting, Tsinghua PBCSF Faculty Recruitment events were held at the AFA (American Finance Association) Annual Meeting.
By December 31th, 2016, a total of 173 applications were received. Applicants are from top Universities including Harvard, MIT, and Columbia University, with finance, economics and management research background. 26 applicants were selected and interviewed by the School’s recruiting team, and 8 were invited for the Flyout.
On January 5th, PBC School of Finance and School of Economics and Management co-hosted the recruitment reception. As the key event in the recruitment, over 200 scholars attended the reception. Professor Zhou Hao, Associate Dean of PBCSF, and Professor Bai Chongen, Associate Dean of SEM addressed the meeting.

During the reception, members of recruitment team communicated with the attendees, and answered questions. The scholars showed great interests in the School.

Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting, cohosted by AFA (American Finance Association), AEA (American Economic Association) and ES (Econometric Society) is one of the largest social science meetings. It not only provides a communication platform, but also acts as an important way for recruitment.
The School is dedicated to build a world class full time faculty team. In the year of 2016, 3 professors, 1 associate professor, 1 associate researcher, 3 assistant professors joined the faculty.