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18 Master Students Participated in the “Investment and Trading” Winter Program in UK

Time: 2016-01-12 15:33 Print

On January 11, Tsinghua PBCSF sent 18 Master of Finance students on a 2-week study trip to the University of Reading in the UK. Under this winter program, first held in 2014, students took intensive investment and trading courses .

The participants received warm welcome from the center’s faculty members and staff on the first day and gained a deeper understanding of enterprise risk management and real estate market in the UK and Europe through related courses.

In addition, they also had the chance to visit educational financial institutions including the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, London Metal Exchange, and Bank of China London Branch.

The ICMA Centre, where the program is held, was founded in 1991 through a unique collaboration between the University of Reading and the International Capital Market Association (formally International Securities Market Association). The Centre has grown to become one of the world's major centers of academic excellence in the study of financial markets.