A panel on “New Trends in Private Equity and Wealth Management”, co-hosted by the PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University and the Harvard China Forum, was held in Boston Hynes Convention Center on April 9.

China’s national strategy of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” arouses heated discussion within the country and is also a bond connecting overseas students and their motherland. At the Forum, topics concerning entrepreneurship and the development of capital industry attracted extensive attention from North America’s Chinese student attendees, with more than 200 participating in the panel.

On one question raised by one participant that his business suffered by a sudden withdrawal by investors of 190 million yuan, Li Li, co-CEO of CSC Group, suggested that entrepreneurs should have a basic knowledge of law and contract consciousness to maintain their own rights and interests. Ping Fan, Chairman and CEO of Shanghai Lang Sheng Investment Co. Ltd, and Jerry Lou Gang, founding partner and CEO of Everpine Capital Limited, noted that start-up owners should think rationally about investment, especially a large one.
While private equity IPO is undergoing a hard time, there is a trend of solving the withdrawal problem through equity transfer or merger and acquisition in the market. Also, with the implementation of “Strategic Emerging Board” being postponed, there is an increase in buying in listed shell company. Guest speakers commented this phenomenon as the least choice but not a long-term plan.
In the end, Lou concluded that an entrepreneur should tend to one’s own business rather than follow what other start-ups are doing.Tsinghua PBCSF has always been attaching great importance to its internalization through cooperating with world renowned universities. It is the first time PBCSF jointly hosting the Harvard China Forum Sub Forum. Founded in 1998, the Harvard China Forum is a leading student organized China conference in the world, providing a platform for world leaders to debate and address issues that will impact the future of China.