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Graduation Speech July 2015 Dean Xiaoling Wu

Time: 2015-07-14 16:27 Print

Dear all,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 2015 Commencement Exercises of Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance.

On behalf of all the faculty members and staff, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to the graduates of Master of Finance, Finance EMBA and Finance Media Fellowship programs, and best wishes for your new journey in life.

At this moment of important transition in your life, I, along with my colleagues, want to convey three expectations to you:

Firstly, we hope you will follow the trend of times and realize individual value. In spite of different times, challenges and opportunities are always there for a country, an industry, the whole world and mankind. What you should strive for would be a more integrated world, an open and inclusive nation, and a better financial system. I hope you make your own contributions and realize your values in whichever field you are working after graduation…

Secondly, we hope you will hold on to valuable qualities and never cross the moral lines. After you step out of the School, your life ahead can be of infinite possibilities and filled with wonderful and exciting things. However, temptations and tough choices are also awaiting you. How you deal with them matters, to yourself, to the School, and even to the society. In the future, we hope you could be wise enough to guard the moral bottom line, be professionals who behave with integrity, and be responsible, honest and kind men and women.  

Lastly, stay fit and happy. I wish you all good health and happiness, a happy family, faithful friends and ideal career. I also wish you all a bright future and fulfilling life.

My dear students, it’s really delightful to be here witness your graduation today and it’s really hard to say goodbye. At last, I want to say that Tsinghua PBCSF will always be your home and you are always welcomed to come back.

Thank you!