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PBCSF Associate Dean Pro. Hao Zhou Met Federal Reserve Officials

Time: 2015-08-27 16:53 Print

Associate Dean of Tsinghua PBCSF Prof. Hao Zhou visited the Federal Reserve System in the August of 2015, and met with several officials during his stay, including James Bullard, President of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, Stanley Fischer, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Donald Kohn, former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and currently a member of the Financial Policy Committee for the Bank of England.

Zhou reached an agreement with Bullard on jointly holding a high-level academic conference on central bank monetary policies in 2016. On August 14 visit to Vice Chairman Fischer, Zhou discussed with him recent Fed policy changes and upcoming academic cooperation. In addition, concerning US monetary policy and China’s financial and economic issues, Zhou exchanged views with Michael Gibson, Director of the division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Nellie Liang, Director of the Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research, David Wilcox, Director of the division of Research and Statistics, and Tobias Adrian, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Pro. Hao Zhou, during his visit, also presented his latest research “Shadow Bank: The Liberation of Dual-track Interest Rate System in China” and “The Great Wall of Debt: the Cross Section of Chinese Local Government Credit Spreads” at the Fed.