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Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance GFD Program Held Mobile Class in Shanghai

Time: 2015-04-23 17:20 Print

First cohort of the Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance GFD program attended the mobile class in Shanghai on April 16. The School’s Executive Associate Dean Li Liao addressed the launching ceremony.

As the first lecturer of the 4-day course, Xiaoming Shen, Vice Mayor of Shanghai and Secretary of the CPC Pudong New Area Committee, reviewed the breakthroughs and achievements that have been made in the last 25 years since the Area was first developed. Focus should be placed on attracting and supporting innovative start-ups and leading enterprises from the private sector by providing better opportunities for them in Pudong, pointed out by Shen.

In addition to the lectures, students were also invited to visit Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park and COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd, and met face-to-face with enterprise executives.

The first cohort of the GFD program started in the fall of 2014. It is a diverse student body consisting of founders of large private enterprises, top executives and decision-makers of leading private financial institutions. Enrollment for the 2015 Fall Program, with an estimated class size of 50, has been initiated.