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Tsinghua PBCSF Students Go to Germany for the “International Week on Central Banking”

Time: 2015-05-22 16:28 Print

From May 10 to 16, 21 students from Tsinghua PBCSF participated in the “International Week on Central Banking” Program annually hosted by the Deutsche Bank University of Applied Sciences.

During the one-week stay in Germany, Tsinghua PBCSF students, along with students from central bank-related universities in the Republic of Belarus, Germany and Ukraine, had in-depth discussion on issues ranging from financial crisis, European debt crisis and functions of the central bank.

In addition, they also visited the Cologne Cathedral, Deutsche Bundesbank and towns along the Rhine River, experienced traditional German culture and enjoyed some local food.

Erich Keller, President of the Deutsche Bank University of Applied Sciences, awarded certificates for all the participants at the farewell dinner party on May 16.