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Tsinghua PBCSF Recruits Faculty at the ASSA Annual Meeting in US

Time: 2015-01-07 16:33 Print

In January 2016, Tsinghua PBCSF held faculty recruitment events at the ASSA (Allied Social Science Associations) Annual Meeting, one of the largest social science academic conferences in the world.

By December 31th, 2015, a total of 139 applications have been received, 54% of which are finance, economics and management graduates or staff from the world’s top universities. Out of these applicants, 28 were interviewed by the School’s recruiting team, and 7 were selected for the Flyout.

As one of the key event, the recruitment reception was held on Jan.  2nd. Over 100 scholars from worldwide attended the reception. Professor Zhou Hao, Associate dean of PBCSF, introduced PBCSF and the development in the recent years. During the reception, expert group from PBCSF answered the questions from the attendees.  

Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting, cohosted by AFA (American Finance Association), AEA (american economic association) and ES (Econometric Society) is one of the largest social science meeting. It not only provides a communication platform, but also acts as an important way for recruitment.