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Executive Vice President of the Hong Kong SFC Lectures on Financial Regulation Reform

Time: 2014-05-23 17:17 Print

On May 20, the Executive Vice President of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Ms. Zhuohua Zhang visited Tsinghua PBCSF to lecture master’s students on issues relating to global financial regulatory changes and influences on Asian markets.

To begin the lecture, Zhang gave an overview of recent reforms in international financial regulation. She touched upon the role of the G20 and the FSB in this reform process, and introduced other key financial regulators and their functions.

She proceeded to explain how after the 2008 crisis, the G20 focused primarily on increasing the ability of leading banks and insurance companies to prevent similar financial problems, controlling risk in shadow banking, and establishing safer OCT derivatives. Using Hong Kong as an example, she explained how in 2008, because of its effective regulation policies on short selling, Hong Kong was one of the few mature markets that operated normally during the financial crisis. 

Ms. Zhang is a strong supporter of cooperation between Hong Kong and Mainland China in the finance sector and acts is a key supporter of Honk Kong’s offshore RMB investment products.


Edited by Steven Salenik