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Tsinghua PBCSF Financiers Forum held in Fuzhou

Time: 2013-10-07 08:36 Print

Tsinghua PBCSF Financiers Forum left Beijingkicked off in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province on September 24, 2013. The event was themed as Internet financeinnovation of financial tools for family wealth management. The speakers - Prof. LIAO Li, school executive associate deanDr. GAO Hao, director of PBCSF Global Family Business Programexecutive director of the China Financial Case Center, from a cutting-edge perspective, presented a feast of knowledge to relevant leaders of the Fuzhou local government, senior executives of financial institutionslocal famous entrepreneurs.

The event was organized by Tsinghua PBCSFundertaken by the Financial Work Office of the Fuzhou Municipal People's GovernmentFujian Haixia Bank.

China's economy is increasingly driven by domestic demand, posing higher requirements to mid-senior managers of financial institutionsenterprises. Internet financefamily wealth management are quality courses designed by PBCSF. By offering these courses, we provide cutting-edge financial management concepts, authoritative theoretical systemspractical strategies to these managers.

In the speech entitled "DevelopmentBusiness Modes of Internet Finance", Liao mentioned, Internet finance infiltrates into the traditional financial industry with the spirit of "opening, equality, collaborationsharing",has had a significant impact on traditional financial modes. Crossover business mode innovation led by the Internet is reshaping the traditional industries. By dissecting current modes of Internet Financesummarizing their business logic, he explored with the audience the future trend of Internet finance.

Chinese private family enterprises, which have played an important role in economic development, have entered the stage of succession. The development of family enterprises has hastened the development of China's wealth management industry, knowing the rule of family wealth managementsuccession is of great realistic guiding significance to family businesses. In the speech, from the perspective of financial tools innovation for family wealth management such as family trustfamily office, Gao probed into the opportunitieschallenges for Chinese family businesses,explored international frontier practiceChinese practice through cases.

The event is based on the strategic cooperation framework agreement between Tsinghua PBCSFFujian Haixia Bank. The two sides will give full play to respective resourcesadvantages to expand the enterprise-school cooperation.