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Tsinghua PBCSF Finance Media EMBA Program 1st Session opens

Time: 2013-10-22 17:12 Print

On October 17, 2013, the 1st session of Tsinghua PBCSF Finance Media EMBA Program opened. 76 trainees from across country joined the program.

The opening ceremony was staged in the afternoon. Present were Deputy Party Secretary of Tsinghua University DENG Wei, Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China LI Zhenjiang, Executive Associate Dean of PBCSF LIAO Li, Senior Associate Dean NIE Fenghua, Associate Dean KANG Yitong,other school leaders. Associate Dean ZHAO Cen presided over the ceremony.


Deng said in an speech, "With the deepening of China's reform, both general publicthe executives have robust demand for financial knowledgeinformation, you are duty-bound to take on the mission of analyzing financial policiesinterpreting financial situation."



Liao elaborated on Tsinghua PBCSF's developmentthe program. The program targets middlesenior managers of mainstream financial mediasenior editorial staff in the financial field, invites experts from financial regulatorsinstitutions to teach, analyzes economicfinancial situation,interprets economicfinancial policies. Also, the program has academicindustrial experts in finance media share their experience in finance media operation. The program strives to give play to Tsinghua PBCSF's unique advantage to find a new way of training based on trainees' rich working experience in finance media.



"Finance media is changing fastfacing new challenges such as media operation marketization, rise of the Internet, media information explosionfast changes in internationaldomestic economicfinancial situation," LI Zhengjiang said in a speech, adding, "These challenges are common issues faced by finance media, which need systematic learning, comprehensive thinkingin-depth exchanges, this is the reason why the program has emerged."


LI Zhenjiang

"China’s changing from an industrial power into a financial one calls for the concerted efforts of financial researchersfinancial media players," said a newcomer named ZHOU Guoliang. "The society is changing, so is the economy. We have no reason not to. Change is not subversion but moving forward better. The thirtiesforties are the busiest stage of life, piling responsibilitiesbusy schedules make us almost forget what life was, returning to the campus at this time is a positive change itself," said another attendee named ZHANG Lin from CCTV.



The first session of the program involves 16 days of key courses, covering classic economicfinancial content such as economic macro economy, macro finance, financial policies, financial regulationcorporate finance, frontier knowledge such as consumerInternet finance, as well as international experience for financial media operationits development trend.

During the session, trainees will participate in a wide range of teachingresearch activities presented by Tsinghua PBCSF. Also, extracurricular activitiesfinancial media executive salons will be organized to strengthen financial media exchangesinteraction.


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