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States of Guernsey Chief Minister Leads Delegation to Visit Tsinghua PBCSF

Time: 2013-11-21 16:53 Print

On November 18, Peter Harwood, Chief Minister of the States of Guernsey led a government delegation to visit the PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University.

NIE Fenghua, Senior Associate Dean of Tsinghua PBCSF, met with the delegation. The two sides looked into common interests including wealth management, financial trainingstudent exchanges.

Peter Harwood (L) exchanged gifts with NIE Fenghua

Members of the delegation included officialsrepresentatives of the Ministry of CommerceEmployment, financial regulatorsbanking industry of Guernsey.

Also present were Dr. GAO Hao, director of Tsinghua PBCSF’s Global Family Business Programexecutive director of the China Financial Case Centerother related staff.

The States of Guernsey is the parliament of the British Crown dependency of Guernsey. The island is a financial service center of Europe. Diplomatically the United Kingdom is responsible for Guernsey's international affairsdefense. With the deepening of Sino-UK cooperation in fieldstradefinancial services, Guernsey has been actively expanding cooperation with China's financial institutions.