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Delegation Led by Executive Associate Dean Liao Li Visits Cornell University

Time: 2013-08-08 20:00 Print

Professor LIAO Li, Executive Associate Dean of Tsinghua PBC School of Finance, led a delegationvisited the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, on the invitation of Dean Soumitra Dutta on August 2. He was accompanied by Professor ZHOU Hao, Associate Professor LI SiMarketing Director of Executive Education CAI Kan.

Dr. Elizabeth Mannix, Associate Dean for Executive EducationAnn Whitney, Olin Professor of Management,Ya-Ru Chen, Faculty Director of China Executive Education Programs,Nicholas H. Noyes, Professor of Management, invited the delegation to a working breakfast. Senior administrative members at Johnson, including heads of its Executive MBAExecutive Education programs, also joined the breakfast meeting. After that, Associate Dean MannixProfessor Ya-Ru Chen exchanged ideas with the delegation on establishing bilateral cooperation.

In the morning session, Professor Liao gave a speech to faculty members at Johnson, looking at the historyfuture of Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance; Professor Zhou outlined the research strategy at PBCSF, introducing the Tsinghua National Academy of Financial Research (under preparation)the innovations in teachingresearch. 

Professor Liao Li gives a speech to faculty members at Johnson.

Dean DuttaProfessor Joe Thomas, former Dean of Johnson, Associate Dean MannixProfessor Ya-Ru Chen hosted lunch for the delegation. The two sides held discussionsreached understandingconsensus on future cooperation.

Dean Dutta shares lunch with Liao's delegation.

After the lunch, the delegation held five meetings with senior professors at Johnson, including Professor Maureen O'Hara, a leading authority in finance who serves as President of the American Finance Association,Andrew Karolyi, Editor of Review of Financial Studies. The two sides had a candid exchange of opinions on program cooperation as well as academicpersonnel exchanges.

The visit concluded with a meeting with Dean Dutta, Associate MannixProfessor Ya-Ru Chen.