On May 16th, Vice Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)also the school's Board member, WANG Zhaoxing delivered a lecture entitled "Banking SupervisionCommercial Bank Management" for our Master'sdoctoral students.
Wang delivered his lecture from the theoretical logic behind the financial crisis (incomplete financial marketsless-than-perfectly-rational players)operational perspectives (tothe international financial regulation in response to the spread of the sub-prime crisis). He focused on the new round of financial regulatory reform, including mixedseparated banking operations, supervision on financial innovationderivatives, macro-prudential supervision, reform of liquidity standardcapital supervision.

WANG Zhaoxing giving the lecture
After the class, Wang met with the school leaders, including Executive Associate Dean LIAO Li, Senior Associate Dean NIE Fenghua,Associate Dean KANG Yitong. Liao reported last year's progress, including faculty building, talent cultivation and preparation for the National Academy of Financial Research (NAFR).
Wang fully acknowledged the school's work, in particular the E-Finance Lab's keen focus on the financial industry trend. He stated that the Tsinghua University NAFR under preparation will enhance PBCSF's influencepresence. Both sides can have more discussions about cooperation forms.
Following the talks, Liao presented the letter of appointment for Board Members to Wang.

Left to right: NIE Fenghua, WANG Zhaoxing, Liao LiKANG Yitong
At the PBC School of Finance, the Dean works closely with the Board, which establishes a bridge between academiaindustry heads,oversees the development of talent cultivationresearch efforts in order to bring them closer to the needs of the industry.
As the School's decision-making body, the Board approves the nominations of the DeansAssociate Deans,provides general guidance on key strategy-making, development planning as well as practice-oriented teachingresearch activities.