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Finance in the E-era - The Second PBCSF Financial Street Forum2012 China E-bank Summit Forum

Time: 2012-11-09 15:03 Print

With a theme titled 'Finance in the E-era', the second PBCSF Financial Street Forum2012 China E-bank Summit Forum, was held at the China Life Plaza on September 25th. The forum was organized by Tsinghua PBC School of Finance, the China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA), the China E-bank Network,China Life Insurance Company Limited. Senior Associate Dean NIE Fenghua, Associate Dean ZHAO Cen,General Manager of the CFCA, JI Xiaojie, attended the forum.

Three speeches were given by important financialgovernment leaders including YAN Qingmin, Assistant to the Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, FAN Shuangwen, Deputy Director of the PaymentSettlement Department of the People's Bank of China,ZHANG Heng, former Vice President of the IndustrialCommercial Bank of China (ICBC). The three guest speakers gave their speeches after the opening address, with the titles 'Bank Reform in the Era of the Mobile Internet', 'OpportunitiesChallenges for the Development of Mobile Finance''The Development Trends of E-banking' respectively. YANG Jianqun from the Financial Channel of Beijing TV, acted as host for the forum. Almost 200 people attended the forum, most of them entrepreneurssenior managers from banks, financial institutionsenterprises doing mobile internet businesses.

Many of the hot topics from today's financial industry were discussed in the forum. NIE Fenghua indicated in his opening address, that the financial industry is now faced with an unprecedented revolution, as new modes of financial services emerge with the rapid development of internetmobile internet related systemsmobile payments, online auction houseswealth management websites. The PBC School of Finance intends to develop its E-Financial Laboratory into a leading platform for the education of innovative entrepreneurship practices, interdisciplinary collaborative innovation,the incubation of high-tech projects which represent positive interaction between research, education, developmentpractice.  


Senior Associate Dean gives the opening address

The advent of mobile finance brings a situationthe banking industry faces an urgent need to develop responsive change. In his speech 'Bank Reform in the Era of the Mobile Internet', YAN Qingmin presented seven major areas of challenge for the banking industry, including resource allocation, cultural change, strategic development, modesmeans for payments, information processing systems, lawsregulationsregulatory supervision. Yan emphasized that the issue of safety has become one of the most important challenges for banks, in an erathe mobile internet is developing rapidly. The key concern is the safety of client information. 


YAN Qingmin, CIRC

FAN Shuangwen indicated in his speech that relevant administrative departments should intervene carefully in the mobile payment markettry toa favorable environment for the development of the mobile payment industry. At the same time, providers of mobile payment services should designpromote their productsservices in a practical way with a long term vision, effectively reconciling the conflicts between safetyconvenience in the growth stage of the market. Both the service providersconsumers have a lot of work to do. The industry should be encouraged to develop a series of effective products that consumers will be able to accept. Only when the need for balance between safety concernsadvancements in the industry is met, can the rapid growth of the mobile payment market be considered beneficial. 


FAN Shuangwen, People's Bank of China 

ZHANG Heng stated in his speech, that through continuous improvement of the network infrastructure for 3GWi-Fi, more users will be able to enjoy online services at all timeslocations. Statistics show that mobile phones have outnumbered computers as the primary method for accessing the internet, by end of the first half of 2012. This tide of mobility is making many banks speed up their development of mobile servicesrelated bank products.

ZHANG Heng, former VP of ICBC

In a dialogue hosted by LI Zhu, CEO of Beijing UUSee Technology Company Limited, SHAN Changsheng, Vice General Manager of China UnionPay Mobile Payment Division, pointed out that mobile applications are at the core for development of the industry as a whole. China UnionPay has been engaging in the development for almost ten years, from the earlier SMS payment systemsvoice payment systems to payments carried out using phones loaded with safety chips. The next step for UnionPay is to focus on cooperation among providers in order to guarantee the safety of the next generation of payment systems by developing safety systems for mobile terminals,to push forward industry-wide applications for mobile terminals. 

SHAN Changsheng, Unionpay

The discussion continued as the CEO of Credit Ease, TANG Ning, ChairmanPresident of Lakala Company, SUN Taoran, General Manager of the Bank of China E-bank Division, DONG Junfeng, Vice General Manager of Minsheng Bank E-bank Division, HAO Fuguo, expressed their opinions regarding network payment platforms, e-bankingmobile payment,provided all the entrepreneurs, financerssenior managers present with useful insight from different perspectives.


The Panel