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PBCSF First EMBA Class Inspects Shougang GroupHosts Mentor Forum

Time: 2012-11-30 11:38 Print

One hundred students from the first EMBA class of the PBC School of Finance (PBCSF) at Tsinghua University visited the Shougang Group industrial areathe China Animation Game City, in Beijing's Shijingshan district, during their third course on November 10th. The EMBA program also held its first 'Mentor Forum' on the same day.

The first stop on their visit was the Shougang Group's Taolou area. Deputy SecretaryGeneral Manager, XU Ning, explained the area history, development strategy, area layoutother details, using a model of the location. Mr. Xu introduced Shougang's 'three in one' comprehensive development strategy for the headquarters, which includes self-development, cooperation by sharesinvestment attraction. With this strategy, Shougang hopes to build a dominant industry position through comprehensive servicebusiness,supplemented by creative industriesentertainment. The second stop was the Shougang Oxygen Plant Lighting Art Square,students had a tour of the renovation project for the blast furnaceother industrial premises. This was a good opportunity for students to view the Shougang Group's expertise in combining recyclingtransformation projects with creative industries. The next stop was Shijingshan Mountain, located in the northern part of Shougang Group's industrial theme park. The class was able to survey the entire Shijingshan District from the viewing platform at the top of the mountain. The final stop was the China Animation Game City, located in the Ertong Industrial Park, which will become the core development area for the creative industries of the Shijingshan district in the future. The Director of the Development Office, WANG Daming, also introduced the development plan for the area's creative workshops.

the class visiting the Shougang Group

 After the tour, students went back to the classroom to hold their first 'Mentor Forum', targeted at promoting mutual communication among students. The forum emphasizes an overall theme of 'Mentorsfriends: practicing friendship by gathering minds with great integrity'. The forum provides students with the opportunity to freely discuss important issueshot topics, by expressing their personal expertise.

 the first EMBA class at the first Mentor Forum

The title of the first forum was 'Introduction to the Transformation of the Shougang Group, New City PlanningInvestment Environment for the Shijingshan District'. The Shougang Head Office, Vice-genneral Manager, SUN Yonggang, addressed the forum, while four of the students delivered speeches based on the main theme. The students elaborated on a variety of important topics including: the  planning, constructionpolicy support of the high-end industrial comprehensive service zone for the new Shougang Group; the Shijingshan district's development strategy of 'One District - Three Centers' (including the urban function expansion center, the comprehensive service center,the entertainment center); world citiescapital city financial development;lastly the financialindustry related analysis of the current domestic steel market.

Outside the classroom of teaching, learningproblem-solving, the Mentor Forum provides PBCSF students with the perfect environment for developing academic discussion. In this environment, students have the opportunity to be inspired by their classmatesto develop their own intelligencewisdom, through open debate with others who share their enthusiasm. The result of the forum is to encourage the effectiveness of the EMBA program's overall planned process of study.