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Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance and the HKUST Business School Sign a Comprehensive Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding

Time: 2024-05-10 17:20 Print

Beijing, May 9, 2024 — A Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been officially signed in April 2024 between Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance and the HKUST Business School.

The signing of this comprehensive Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance and the HKUST Business School signal a deepened collaboration between both parties in the realms of education and research.

According to the memorandum, both parties will leverage their respective strengths in education and research, bolstered by the resources of Tsinghua University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, to address national strategic needs and deepen comprehensive cooperation in talent cultivation, academic research, management training, discipline development, and technology transfer. Hong Kong's strategic positioning as a global financial center and strategic opportunities in building an international innovation and technology hub will infuse powerful momentum into the strategic cooperation between the two schools.

About the two schools:

Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance, established on the foundation of the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China and leveraging the century-old educational resources of Tsinghua University, is committed to cultivating high-level, innovative, and international industrial financial talents.

The HKUST Business School, since its establishment in 1991, has rapidly emerged as one of the internationally recognized top business schools in Asia, renowned for its outstanding academic strength and diverse student body.