2015 Journal Publications

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English Journal Publications

Jess Cornaggia, Yifei Mao, Xuan Tian, Brian Wolfe, "Does banking competition affect innovation", Journal of Financial Economics, vol.115(1),pp189-209,2015.

Massimo Massa, Wenlan Qian and Weibiao Xu, and Hong Zhang, “Competition of the informed: Does the presence of short sellers affect insider selling?”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol.118: pp268-288,2015

Massimo Massa, Bohui Zhang, and Hong Zhang,“The Invisible Hand of Short Selling: Does Short-Selling Discipline Earnings Management?”, Review of Financial Studies, vol.28: pp1701-1736,2015.

Tim Bollerslev, Lai Xu and Hao Zhou, “Stock Return and Cash Flow Predictability: the Role of Volatility Risk”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 187, pp458-471, 2015.

Yichen Gao, Wei Long, Zhengwei Wang. "Estimating average treatment effect by model averaging", Economics Letters, vol.135: pp42–45.2015.

Robert Stambaugh, Jianfeng Yu, Yu Yuan, "Arbitrage Asymmetry And The Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle", Journal of Finance, Vol.70(5), pp.1903-1948, 2015.Li Liao

Chinese Journal Publications

Li Liao, Ji Lin, Weiqiang Zhang, "Education and Credit: Evidence from P2P Lending Platform" Journal of Financial Research, vol.(03), pp147-159, 2015

Li Liao, Ji Lin, Weiqiang Zhang,"Role of Narratives in Lending Market: Evidence from P2P Lending Platfrom", Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), vol(04), pp413-421, 2015

Li Liao, Mengran Li, Zhengwei Wang, Peifei He, "Learning by Observing: Information Discovery and Herding Behavior in P2P Lending Market", Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science), vol(01), pp156-165, 2015

Huan Dou, Huijuan Wang,"Private Equity Investment and Analysts Coverage on IPO Firms", Accounting Research, vol(2),pp44-50, 2015

Huijuan Wang, Lin He, "An Empirical Study of Borrowing Description’s Influence on P2P Lending" , Financial Theory and Practice, vol(1), pp77-85, 2015

Pengfei Li,Wei Wei, Wuxiang Zhu, Zhengwei Wang. "Competitive “ Advance Debt -collection and Deferred Lending” of Bank and Default Spread Group Lending", China Journal of Economics. 2015(04):130-149