Topic: The Private Premium in
Public Bonds
Speaker: Chenyang Wei, Director, Head of Credit Research, American
International Group (AIG)
Date: December 9th (Wednesday.)
Time: 10:00-11:30pm
Location: Building 4, Room 101
Language: English
This paper is the first to
document a private premium in public bonds. We find that spreads are 30
basis points higher for public bonds of private companies than for bonds of
public companies, even after controlling for observable differences, including
detailed financial performance measures. The estimated private premium increases
to 40 to 50 basis points when propensity matching methodology is used or when
we control for fixed issuer effects. In contrast, in the same sample,
there is no difference in pricing in private debt (syndicated loans).
Overall, consistent with theories on the informational sensitivity of
different security classes, the “private premium” uncovered in the public bond
market appear to reflect the importance of information costs.
About the speaker:
Chenyang Wei holds the Director, Head of Credit Research
of AIG Investments Risk. He is also a Research Fellow at the University of
Pennsylvania, and a Fellow at the Wharton Financial Institutions Center.
Previously, Dr. Wei spent five years as economist in the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York. He received a Ph.D. in Finance from the New York University in 2006.
Dr. Wei’s key responsibilities include the monitoring and analyzing Macro and
demographics trends, global residential/commercial real estate market, banking/corporate
credit, and sovereign. He has articles published in the Economic Policy Review, and the Review of Financial Studies, among