Hongda Zhong, Assistant Professor of Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science: A Dynamic Model of Optimal Creditor Dispersion

Time: 2016-04-13 10:01 Print

Topic: A Dynamic Model of Optimal Creditor Dispersion

Speaker: Hongda Zhong, Assistant Professor of Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science

Date: April 13th (Wed.)

Time: 13:30pm-14:30pm

Location: Building 4, Room 101

Language: English


Borrowing from multiple creditors exposes firms to liquidation risks due to coordination problems among creditors, but it also improves the firms' repayment incentives, thereby increasing pledgeability. Based on this trade-off, I develop a dynamic debt rollover model to analyze the evolution of creditor dispersion. Consistent with existing empirical findings, I find that firms optimally increase the number of creditors when their performance declines, while in the cross-section, high-growth firms can support more dispersed debt. Mechanisms that promote ex-post efficient coordination lower firms' ex-ante pledgeability, thereby exacerbating rollover risk. Frequent debt rollover diminishes the additional pledgeability from having multiple creditors. 

About the speaker:

Hongda Zhong is the Assistant Professor of Finance at London School of Economics. He received a Ph.D. in mathematics and a Ph.D. in Finance from University of Minnesota. Dr. Zhong’s research interests are corporate finance, banking, optimal contract and behavioral finance. He teaches alternative investment and principles of finance in department of Finance. He is also a referee of Journal of Finance, Management Science and Journal of Development Economics.