[Registration] 2022 China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM2022)

Time: 2022-06-14 10:00 Print

The Fourth China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM2022)

June 19 - 21, 2022


The fourth China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM2022) will be held virtually on June 19-21, 2022. 


The conference is jointly sponsored and organized by Business School of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech Business School), Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance (PBCSF) and China Forum of Macroeconomic Research (CFMR). The meeting is the fourth annual conference organized jointly by the China Forum of Macroeconomic Research and collaborating academic institutions in the Greater China area. The conference is composed of regular parallel academic sessions in English, as well as a policy session where policy experts from China and other regions discuss and present their views on current issues related to the local and the global economy.



Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance (PBCSF)

China Forum of Macroeconomic Research (CFMR)



Business School of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech Business School)

Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance (PBCSF)

China Forum of Macroeconomic Research (CFMR)



Per Krusell, Stockholm University

Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto



Jianjun Miao, Boston University

Hao Zhou, Southern University of Science and Technology and Tsinghua University





Sunday, June 19

08:30-09:10    Welcome Speech

09:15-11:00    Session: Labor Markets in East Asia and the United States

09:15-11:00    Session: Stock and Bond Markets

20:00-21:00    Keynote Speech: Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto

21:15-23:00    Session: Covid-19 and Macroeconomy

21:15-23:35    Session: Global Liquidity, Currency and Capital Controls

Monday, June 20

08:00-09:45    Session: Fiscal and Monetary Policy
08:00-09:45    Session: Business Cycles

10:00-11:45    Session: Monetary Policy

20:00-21:00    Invited Board Meeting : Annual Executive Directors Meeting of China Forum of Macroeconomic Research

21:15-23:00    Session: Macro Finance

21:15-23:35    Session: Understanding China with Big Data

Tuesday, June 21

08:00-09:45    Session: Micro Shocks and Macro Fluctuations

08:00-09:45    Session: Growth, Trade and Structural Changes

10:00-11:45    Session: Saving, Inequality and Equilibrium Computation

20:30-20:45    Best Paper Award

21:00-22:00    Keynote Speech: Per Krusell, Stockholm University

22:15-24:00    Session: Banking

22:15-24:00    Session: Land and Misallocation in Chinese Economy  






CICM 2022 charges no registration fee. Please be sure to complete the following steps at Conference Maker online system by June 17: http://editorialexpress.com/conference/CICM2022/



Click on the following link or scan the QR code to watch the conference online:

