Kechuangtong: China's Integrated Government Service Platform for Science and Innovation

Time: 2024-04-28 15:02 Print


As the main participants of technology transfer, technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) shoulder the important function of industrializing research outcomes. Thus, serving and promoting the development of such enterprises has become an important factor in driving technology transfer and achieving high-quality economic development. The high investment and growth characteristics of technology-based SMEs determine their significant demand for talents, technology, funds, and enterprise services. However, the current channels for these enterprises to obtain the aforementioned resources are not smooth. In response to the development challenges faced by technology-based SMEs, the Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau has leveraged government efforts to create the "Kechuangtong" platform. By effectively connecting enterprises, innovation resources (talents, universities, and research institutions), and service agencies, this platform provides comprehensive lifecycle support for technology-based SMEs. It forms an innovative platform ecosystem with organic interactions among various innovation elements. This report focuses on the development needs and challenges of technology-based SMEs, providing a detailed analysis of the specific measures taken by "Kechuangtong" to support enterprise development, and offering relevant recommendations.

Full Text: Kechuangtong: China's Integrated Government Service Platform for Science and Innovation